Closing and Negotiating

Closing a transaction is the most important step of the sales process, yet most salespeople struggle here due to their inability to deal with emotions, lack of closing strategies and the resulting lack of confidence and conviction. Most struggle in the close because they either do not fully understand what the close or simply do not have enough ammo to stay in front of the customer before summoning management for help.

Sales people enrolled in this course will develop a deeper understanding of what the close is all about and how to increase conversion rates and gross profit. We will teach your people how to close more deals, with more profit, and with more confidence. This section covers how to negotiate with difficult customers, negative equity, bad credit, and no money down ALL while maintaining profitability in the deal. This is the most extensive course available in auto.

What You Will Get:

– How to Close Any Deal
– Handling Money Objections Without Discounts
– Learn to handle ANY Stall
– Increase first pass closes by 75%
– Learn How to Create Urgency
– Word Tracks to handle over 125 objections
– Learn to keep your cool in challenging negotiations
– The mistakes to avoid in the close
– The Traits of Strong Closers

For more information call our office (310) 777-0255


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